I'm from Bulgaria, but currently living in Brno. Saw a license plate sigh on a lovely 1.9 Rallye with the site address and decided to check it out. I'm pleasantly surprised, that 205 have a great fan base!
Let me introduce my self. I'm a member of Bulgarian Peugeot club since 2004. In the moment I own four 205s - 1992 Gentry, 1992 Roland Garros cabriolet, 1991 Look with white leather interior and 1991 Green (it will go to spare parts). I also owned another 1991 Roland Garros, but I disassembled it for parts.

https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid ... a3c539ec57
I don't know if the pictures are visible, that's why I'm posting the links also.
Somehow my cars appeared in the polish forum :) I found them while randomly browsing for 205 images. The dirty Roland Garros is mine also:
http://forum.peugeot205.pl/viewtopic.ph ... 59#p293659
Well, that is for a start. I hope that here I'll meet new friends and share the love to the 205! You can also find me in Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ivan.djenkov