I gave you my word on 900 because I knew who will buy it this was important for me. even when it cold have end on 1000lukas309 píše: Jinak cenovka byla 900€. Majitel ho v dubnu koupil za 800€, takže má 100€ zisk, ale zase mi ukončil aukci dřív (a cena by se mu vyšplhala určitě přes 1000€) takže já jsem spokojenej. Navíc mám plno faktur, co ještě původní majitel kupoval (nový tlumiče, gumy, nějaký čidla apod).
I had some requests to end up this auction earlier. the most humoros one offered me 70 (there is not lacking any number ) to recycle it. others where up to 800 but didn't want to believe of some korrosion on the chassis... a silly price discussion where predictable
the youngtimer adequate underground parking wasn't for free but goodlukas309 píše: takže má 100€ zisk...
I surely will follow this thread and the progress on the 309. I'm looking forward to see more pictures of your great work