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neo socket
Napsal: 29 led 2013 15:15
od pichy
chlapi, do tohoto jdu! píšou, že stačí zapojit do zapalovače a ušetříte palivo, přidáte koníky a vůbec tím celkově dost krutě vytuníte svou káru! ... -12v-52013
Re: neo socket
Napsal: 29 led 2013 15:27
od vinorak
hustokrutě podsvícený
Re: neo socket
Napsal: 29 led 2013 15:39
od pichy
přesně tak. nehledě na nesporné estetické vylepšení interiéru
Re: neo socket
Napsal: 29 led 2013 18:16
od Mitja
Jo ted si koupim toto a az se mi ojedou gumy, tak si koupim treba zeleny svitici bazmek a ty gumy samy dorostou
Re: neo socket
Napsal: 29 led 2013 18:46
od franus
Proc by to nefungovalo? Ja si myslim, ze je to stejne dobre jako treba tento turbo ventilator do sani kazdy nema penize na drahe palivo, nebo na velke preplnovane auta.
Re: neo socket
Napsal: 29 led 2013 19:23
od losjarynos
Re: neo socket
Napsal: 30 led 2013 07:40
od pichy
může mi někdo, kdo rozumí elektrice, říct, jestli tohle může skutečně fungovat? nebo je to fyzikálně nesmysl?
The Neosocket is a new application of an old technology. Basically, it acts like a small battery that helps your car's electrical system perform better. The small device is fitted with a capacitor that once plugged in to your 12v adapter is instantly connected to the car's main electrical system. (capacitors are also commonly used to power the electronic flash in cameras)
The capacitor first charges and then discharges the stored electricity (voltage) when there is a heavy energy demand from the alternator. Heavy energy demand (reduced voltage) is caused by using any electrical accessory in your car including lights, windshield wipers, air conditioning, stereo or any combination of them.
Instead of the alternator and battery having to work overtime, Neosocket supplements the required voltage to reduce the load on the electrical system from any accessory that is being used. The reduced electrical demand frees up energy that can be better used to deliver a more constant and steady supply of electricity to the spark plugs and ignition system.
The result is a more efficient and complete combustion of the gasoline which will improve you gas mileage and produce cleaner emissions. You will also get better horse power, acceleration, and a smoother running engine despite daily driving conditions.
The fact is that fuel mileage will fluctuate in any car due to driving habits, lack of maintenance, traffic conditions and many other factors. All these factors will rob the fuel efficiency your car was meant to achieve. The main purpose of Neosocket is to help your engine consistently maintain its designed fuel efficiency despite of all these unpredictable situations.
Re: neo socket
Napsal: 30 led 2013 12:15
od vinorak
no tak maximálně to minimálně (
)snižuje rázy napětí, ale aby to nějak fungovalo, tak by tam musel bejt tak 20 faradovej kondenzátor
Re: neo socket
Napsal: 30 led 2013 13:35
od Vomec
a když si koupím dva, domontuju do auta ještě jednu zástrčku autozapalovače, tak ušetřím ještě víc
Re: neo socket
Napsal: 30 led 2013 18:04
od soty2
No chtěl jsem vyměnit gti za naftu ale asi půjdu spíš do tohohle
Re: neo socket
Napsal: 31 led 2013 01:51
od ZdenekPaul
Když si koupíte rozčtverku zapalovače a do každý zásuvky dáte jedno tohle zařízení, tak Vám to zaručeně bude benzín v nádrži vyrábět